
Whistleblowing Information Centre

If you see or suspect wrongdoing, speak up. 

Report your concerns, in confidence, anytime.

Any modern and diverse organisation faces many risks, including the occurrence of incidents that can harm the company’s reputation, assets and the welfare of its employees. It could be criminal activity, fraud (i.e. intending to obtain benefits through dishonesty or deception such as bribery, conflict of interest, etc.), trafficking, damage to property, ongoing breaches of human rights laws or specific individual violations (including discrimination or harassment). These incidents can arise out of improper behaviour or a deliberate violation of policies and need to be managed effectively to limit the impact to businesses and employees.

DP World Group (the Group) is committed to conducting its business with the highest standards of honesty and integrity. To facilitate the reporting of anything which may be contrary to that commitment, DP World has a globally accessible whistleblowing hotline to provide all stakeholders (as defined in Section 5 herein) with a free and confidential reporting mechanism.