
RTMS Accreditation

Road Transport Management System (RTMS)


It is industry-led, voluntary self-regulation scheme that encourages consignees, consignors and transport operators engaged in the road logistics value chain to implement a vehicle management system that preserves road infrastructure, improves road safety and increases the productivity of the logistics value chain.


The scheme supports the Department of Transport’s National Freight Logistics Strategy.

Benefits of Accreditation

Transport operators who invest in becoming RTMS accredited are recognized for their commitment to responsible business through a series of concessions.

Being an Accredited member of RTMS is prerequisite for consideration of implementation of Project Based Standard (PBS) Vehicles).

RTMS Accreditation Since 2014

SQAS Accreditation

Safety & Quality Assessment for Sustainability (SQAS – AFRICA)


SQAS-AFRICA is a system to evaluate the Safety, Health, Environment, Quality (SHEQ), Security and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) performance of Logistic Service Providers, using standardised audit questionnaires, carried out by independent certified auditors.


SQAS is a tool for evaluating continual improvement and SQAS-AFRICA is a key element of Responsible Care® applied to logistics operations.

Accreditation Details

GLDF first accreditation was done in 2016, and ever since have renewed our compliance annually.

SQAS Compliance is available on the below sections at Applicable sites within GLDF,

– SQAS-AFRICA Transport Service
– SQAS-AFRICA Warehouse

SQAS Accreditation Since 2016

Food Grade Accreditation

R638 Certification

An R638 Certification is required for the transportation of food grade items. 


A Certificate of Acceptability is a “food handling business permit” confirming that organisation complies with the basic food safety and hygiene requirements and is issued by government.


GLDF has been accredited since 2019.

Benefits of Accreditation

This certificate indicates that GLDF meets the necessary health and hygiene requirements to ensure the safety of food grade and in-scope related items when transported.

Being compliant is an essential step to demonstrate our commitment to food safety and to protect the health of consumers.

R639 Food Grade Accreditation Since 2019